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sofia supreme court

МнениеПубликувано на: 02 Юни 2014, 22:46
от steven1404
how long does it take to make a ruling on a case we are still waiting on a ruling on our case
Dear Mr. Charlesworth,

Thank you for your e-mail.
I would like to assure you that since the date of the closed hearing of the Supreme court (31/03/2014) we are checking daily with the court for a decision, but yet there is still no resolution. Of course that once we have a decision

Below I'm sending you the requested information regarding your case:
Case No. 3058/2013, first trade section;
The contact details of the first trade section are as follows: (+359 2) 9219 303

any help in sorting this case out would be good the case was steven charlesworth v kevin claydon cbp

Re: sofia supreme court

МнениеПубликувано на: 03 Юни 2014, 12:14
от law_master
Hallo Steven,

Usually have to wait 5-6 months for an order for admission to the cassation appeal. Justice in Bulgaria is slow, so be patient.

Here is the web site of the supreme court, where you can check your case status. => http://www.vks.bg/vks_p03.htm

In first box: "Номер на дело" you have to enter: 3058
In second box: "Година" you have to enter: 2013
In the drop down menu "Отделение", you have to choose: Първо търговско
Then press "Търсене" button.

Then, bellow, you'll see the number of the case from the previous instance. Click on the first number: 10555.

If there isn't any result, you'll see "No documents found".

that's it